About The Balance Book
Are you stressed by not accomplishing each task on your "To-Do" list? The Balance Book: 21 Days of Guided Motivation & Meditation offers a practical, self-coaching solution to creating balance within your personal and professional lives.
For 21 days, certified life coach and mindset management trainer, Lanasia Angelina will help you determine your personal non-negotiables, balance your life through motivation and meditation while learning the unique distinction between commitment and consistency. You will learn to distinguish the essentials versus the distractions, regain control of your time and discover new talents.
redefining balance
I started writing this guide to coach myself through a season of my life that I couldn't see my way out of at the time. But I had hope inside my heart, a solution-oriented mindset and a few techniques that would assure that I'd be able come out victorious.
Having to end my first business,, I struggled to create balance and even more to find my identity separate from the work that I had committed almost a decade of my life to. The only thing that helped me to maintain peace was simply taking in all of my new beginnings and learning how to navigate one day at a time. I focused on how I could maximize my efforts within each day instead of overwhelming myself with the idea of creating this cookie cutter and unattainable concept of "Balance".
"I redefined Balance and it saved my life."
I discovered in my journey that it wasn't about the work and life; as though the two weren't synonymous for most people anyway. It was about motivating myself to show up and honor my day the way that I saw fit and then reflectively meditating on how I could get a little bit better the next day.
I pray that this book serves as a guide to you creating your personal idea of Balance and supports you with learning how to successfully navigate the inevitable challenges that are designed to make you better each day.
Peace & Blessings