Join an online community of women
Let's Be Honest
You've tried to do it without God and nothing has worked. Or, maybe it's worked by the world's standards but you don't quite feel aligned with your true purpose and calling. Or maybe, you've tried it with God but you still struggle with holding yourself accountable and staying consistent?
Within this online community, we use biblical principles and coaching strategies to reshape our minds, develop healthier habits and enhance our lives while keeping Christ at the center of it all.
Growing with God & Crushing their Goals​
Join the 5am Tribe for $14.99
When you join, you'll get access to:
5am Live Coaching Calls Mon-Thurs.
Morning Prayer
Private Community Group Chat
Exclusive Access to Events
Real Sisterhood & Support

Join the VIP Transformation for $49.99
When you join, you'll get access to
Monthly Strategic Business Coaching Masterclasses & Q&A
Monthly Book Clubs
Monthly Goal Setting Template & Guidance
Group Challenges
Exclusive Personal Coaching Offers
Quarterly Meetups
(Including all details from Tier 1)

Get access to over 100 past coaching calls only for a one time payment of only $99

With over a decade of experience as a leader, entrepreneur and change Lanasia has lead multiple initiatives that help women to grow and become their best selves.
I’ve helped working class women to grow within their careers, women in leadership prioritize self-care, entrepreneurial women create the confidence to pursue their passions and women who are seeking God to find not only Him but themselves in the process.
Although every walk for every woman is unique, the primary need is the same - GOD!
Getting to know hIm, Growing to love Him and submitting to serve Him has been the difference maker in the lives of the women that I’ve worked with over the years.
But why a Christian coaching community?
It’s the practicality paired with the principles that establish a real avenue for change.
The Bible is massive, often intimidating and all of my life the HOW was missing from my faith walk.
I knew that God was real. I knew that my experience with Him was real but I had no strategy on how to truly trust Him with my whole heart and serve Him by presenting my body as a living sacrifice.
Year round within this community we go through the process of getting to know God, ourselves, our purpose and learning how to be profitable within all areas of our lives by seeking God first and DOING THE WORK DAILY to make a difference within our own lives.
Hi, I'm Lanasia Angelina
I help women to transform their lives from the inside out.

Black Woman Transform

members are loving
Black Woman Transform has completely changed me…it truly feels like I’ve hit the reset button!!! I have undergone such a transformation that I don’t even recognize my old self. From my relationship with God to the music I listen to, so many positive habits have come from being connected to BWT! Most of all, having a group of sisters who I can take this journey with is a game-changer!!!
Jachelle Jackson | Michigan
Wife, Mother, Event Planner
"Black women transform has been an essential part of my life. This community has help me grow both individually and spiritually. Coach Lanasia gave me a road map and yet not easy it has been effective in change my life for the better. Coach has been a mentor that the younger me desired."
Shonie Taylor | Lousiana
Registered Nurse, Entrepreneur

"So many thought patterns, behavioral patterns, and mindset shifts
happened for me throughout this experience that have undoubtedly
changed and will continue to change my life."
Brittany Lightfoot | Florida
Veteran, Consultant
"When you're around women who have a desire to be the best version of themselves, you have no choice but to want the same and you begin to see the "micro-changes". The person I see in the mirror today has definitely grown from the woman she was since January Ist, and I'm grateful for the community of women who have influenced and been a part of the journey."
Angel Brown | North Carolina
Author, Banking

Who is perfect for this community?Ambitious women who want to prioritize 2 things: GOD & THEIR GOALS. BWT has members who are mothers, wives, entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, community leaders, educators. Everyone is on a unique path with similar goals to grow in Christ & crush their goals.
How can I build a connection in an online community?Many of the women choose Black Woman Transform over communities similar to it because of the live experiences. There are weekly coaching calls hosted by Lanasia, daily prayer calls, monthly Masterclasses, quarterly meetups and we stay connected within the Group Me app throughout the week. The women are very vulnerable, very supportive and often build relationships with one another off-line.
What if I have to leave at some point?Black Woman Transform is a monthly subscription coaching program. But it can be cancelled at anytime. We highly encourage you to stick around for 3-6 months because GROWTH TAKES TIME. But we understand that some circumstances don't permit for that to happen. Memberships can be cancelled at anytime by emailing blackwomantransform@gmail.com and we''' welcome you back with open arms when you return.